I love where the telecom industry is taking the world. I remember years ago, way before cell phones came out. We had to recapitulate from land line like home phones or pay phones, enterprise phone, oh and remember the beeper era... If `you didn't have a beeper you weren't cool enough. If you wanted to make a phone call and you were on the road you had to use the payphone.
Then there was the cell phone, I remember it like it was yesterday. The first phone was so Big, it looked like a huge brick! Lol! But it was still cool. My dad got the very first one that came out. It was the most talked about item!
HTC EVO Unlock
And now here we are...
You got to admit that cell phones have changed the way we communicate. Remember when folks were disconnecting there home phone because they have sufficient minutes on there cell phone plans to talk. You can't even leave your cell phone at home; it's like leaving your wallet at home.
Now we can browse straight through the internet on our cell phones, we can lock and unlock our cars or start our engines from our smart phones. We have millions of apps that can help us with our daily lives. Oh, how about this...we can now see the someone we are talking to with video chat. Marvelous right?!
From a straightforward idea...to a ridiculous invention!. Iphone, Htc Evo, Android, Droid X, etc...these smart phones are the wave of the future. Think about it, it's just going to get great from here on out.
The iPhone 5 will be released soon, and they are talking about a new technology called Near-Field transportation (Nfc) technology. What does this mean for you? Well, imagine leaving your wallet at home and paying for products and services by plainly waving your iPhone 5 over a terminal...no checks or no prestige cards needed. Is that crazy or what?!
I'm telling you, the smart phone is the wave of the future. I just can't wait what the hereafter has in stored for us.
Smart Phones Are Changing the Way We reporthtc evo unlocked